
Video game tank battle
Video game tank battle

video game tank battle

A tank may not move through a space occupied by another tank or building.A tank may not be moved back to the space that it started the turn on. Tanks may not move back and forth on the same space during a turn.This tank can now move forwards, sideways, and backwards for the rest of the game. This tank has made it to the other side of the board so it will become a command tank. A command tank can move forwards, sideways, and backwards. To receive the flag the tank must stay on the space until their next turn. Once a tank reaches the other side of the board you will place a flag on it.All tanks must be moved either forward or sideways.There are a few rules about how these points can be used: A player must use them all to move their tanks six spaces. This can change later in the game as I will explain later. To begin the game each player will have six movement points/spaces per turn. The player using the green tanks will start the game.Ī player will begin their turn by moving their tanks.A player will write down the location of the two mines on a piece of paper which is placed inside the headquarters. These mines can be placed on any space on their side of the board that does not contain another piece. Finally the players will place their two mines.The players will place their five anti-tank guns on any space that doesn’t already contain a building or tank.The players will place their six tanks in the back row closest to them.All three buildings must be placed on spaces in different rows and columns (not including the back row). Each player will place their headquarters, ammunition dump and fuel dump on their side of the board.

video game tank battle

  • Set aside the flag pieces and the spinner.
  • video game tank battle

    Place the gameboard between the two players so the red line is in the middle.Place the five white pegs along the bottom of the plotting grid. Assemble the plotting grids and give one to each player.Each player will also take five white and six red pegs. Each player chooses a color and takes all of the corresponding pieces.Place a different number on each tank for each color. How to Play | My Thoughts | Should You Buy? | Comments How to Play Tank Battle Setup

    Video game tank battle