
Siemens star chart illustrator
Siemens star chart illustrator

siemens star chart illustrator

Here they started as the Lithographic Technical Foundation, which later became GAFT. Star targets were originally used as photographic resolution targets, only to be adapted in the mid-20 th century for use within the printing industry. Star Targets can expose any errors, astigmatism or aberrations, helping to quickly identify and eliminate unwanted distortions. What is a Star Target?Ī Star Target is a print mark test that helps to detect any irregularities in the upcoming work. In this article, we’ll explore star targets in more detail. Yet despite being an essential part of the overall setup, many are added without a full understanding of their true purpose.Įvans Graphics have set out to plug that knowledge gap. Print marks are added within the design stage and used as a guide for both sizing and colouring. These markings act as a quality control mechanism and ensure that your output is of the highest standard, free of the kind of mistakes that may undermine an entire project. One of the most important things you can do when preparing to print is to apply print markers, something we’ve blogged about extensively in the last two years.

Siemens star chart illustrator